Monday, June 30, 2008

Takota Bear

Meet Takota, whose name means "Friend to Everyone". He is our Native American Dog, also known as a NAID. If you visit the home page of Night Eyes Farms. , you can see him as a puppy on the puppy mover monorail. Takota is riding second from the front. Native American Indian Dogs are a rare almost extinct breed of dog used by the Native Americans to pull a travois across thousands of miles of the North American continent. There are about 5 certified breeders of these dogs. Takota, true to his breed, is a problem solver. He is a watcher. Takota thinks ahead and plans. He is sometimes scary smart. Takota is also a big baby, who likes belly scratches and, best of all, being covered up in my blanket. Of course, I have to watch him with said blanket. He will shed it in an instant if he decides to. It is impossible to find a toy that he can not destroy. If any dog toy makers are up for the me!