Friday, November 23, 2007

Gingerbread Houses!

With the supplies at the ready, my son and daughter were eager to begin to build their annual holiday gingerbread houses. We do it on Thanksgiving day, as if the bird and the stuffing is not enough to throw us over the edge....mmmm...candy!!

This year, my 11 year old daughter went with a traditional look....above is her house in progress. My son's house started out great and then...well..and then he decided to put in the detail of the reindeer ummm....marks. While I snapped these pictures, he was making a sign that said do not eat yellow snow. Ha. He is 13 and well....full of life. That is a good thing.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thank You Pie

Apple pie with a 240-volt outlet with switch as a vent. Maybe the first apple pie like this you have ever seen! What's it all about? Well, I got a new kiln and it needed a special outlet. My father came and did the wiring for me and he is really hard to buy something for as a thank you...but he loves homemade apple pie! You should have seen him smile when my children and I brought it to him. I have fired the kiln a couple of times and am loving it!!